Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Queretaro - history and future

After our visit to Tepoztlan, the ones of us who joined the business trip got on a bus heading north. After two hours, we arrived in Santiago de Queretaro where we had dinner in the roof top restaurant in our hotel.  

University in the Aeronautic Sector

The next morning, we visited the aeronautics centre with the newest university and several plants for planes and helicopters. The university was started to provide the new aeronautics companies with the right talent. We also learned that Queretaro is the cleanest city in Mexico investing a lot in an ecological way of living as well as being in the top of the cities for free wifi coverage. 

airplane engine

From there we went to "La Peña de Bernal" - a pittoresque pueblo magics (magic town) below a 350 m high monolith rock. We were strolling to the little streets taking pictures and buying sun hats. There was a little cathedral and cosy restaurants with stunning views of the rock. 

Yes, I'm an AIESECer!

Church in Bernal

Nice decoration in a restaurant

La Peña de Bernal

For lunch we drove to the Hacienda Vivorillas where we met business people and local officials telling us more about the region. While we ate our food, a tribal show with music, dance and game was played. 

Hacienda outside

Hacienda inside

Tribal show

The sun set when we headed out again from the hotel in buses that looked like trams. 

our transportation

A guide explained us the old town with its historic relevance being the place where missionaries started their work in Mexico, where the revolution against Spain was initiated, at which Emperor Maximilian of Mexico was killed and the Mexican Constitution was drawn up. 

Mausoleo de la Corregidora


We passed also by the aqueduct that the Marquess built for the nun he fell in love with to bring water to the city, the Mausoleo de la Corregidora and several of the churches. 


Plaza de Armas

We finished the evening by walking through the narrow streets, testing the free wifi and having dinner at the Comalli restaurant.  

Comalli restaurant

Lovely ceiling

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