For my 5th Oktoberfest I had a clear mission: get my own table in one of the tents.

End of March I started to send faxes to all of them except the ones I visited in the last years. The replies were all the same: We are sold out on the evenings and weekends, but you can get a table for lunch Monday through Wednesday. That's not what I wanted.

For luck there was a last tent taking late applications. So I got a table for 10 on the gallery of Armbrustschützenzelt where we spent a great evening.
In total I made it four times to Oktoberfest this year a new record:
- with my colleague Nicole to Hippodrome
- with friends and colleagues at my own table in Armbrustschützenzelt
- with my department to Bräurosl and
- with Sindhu and Nicole once again to Hippodrome

Sindhu and me did some powershopping to get her the right outfit for the event.
It was great and I will try to get a table in another tent next year.
A week later with Sindhu back from Italy we did a day trip to the Alps, seeing the first snow, strolling around alpine towns and walking up to Castle Neuschwanstein.
Snow covered mountains around Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Castle Neuschwanstein
Sindhu with Bavarian landscape as a backdrop
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