Monday, April 25, 2011

It's spring!

Temperatures rise, flowers come out - it's time for spring, easter and many more ...

I spent some great days in Leipzig with the usual Easter fire on saturday.

On Easter Monday it was time for a new experience and challenge so I went with the family in a high ropes course.

There were 7 parcours and I did 6 of them (2 easy, 3 medium and one difficult). After the difficult one I had no power left in my arms and was happy when I returned safely to the bottom. Nonetheless, it was an amazing and challenging experience.

To conclude this entry read the lovely poem about spring that kept popping up in my mind lately:

It's spring!
by Eduard Mörike (German author)

Spring lets its blue ribbon
flutter again in the breeze;
a sweet, familiar scent
sweeps with promise through the land.
Violets are already dreaming,
and will soon arrive.
Hark, in the distance - a soft harp tone!
Spring, yes it is you!
It is you that I have heard!

Er ist's!
von Eduard Mörike

Frühling lässt sein blaues Band
wieder flattern durch die Lüfte;
Süße, wohlbekannte Düfte
Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land.
Veilchen träumen schon,
wollen balde kommen.
Horch, von fern ein leiser Harfenton!
Frühling, ja du bist's!
Dich hab ich vernommen!

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