Sunday, February 27, 2011

Attari - Wagah: a trip to the Pakistani border

I took a jeep from the Golden Temple to the Pakistani border to see the closing of the same. That's just a 35 km drive away.

Every day in the afternoon before sun down, both sides (Indians & Pakistanis) come together on their side of the border and enjoy the procedures of the border closure of the day like festival.

It starts off with flag running to the border and back and then handing over the flag to the next girl runner.

In between the last bus for the day leaves India for Lahore in Pakistan.

A man in a white training suit is encouraging the masses to sing and dance. Between the Indian shouts, you can hear the shouts for Pakistan where something similar is going on.

When all the spectators are seated the Border Security Force starts the official procedures with shouting orders, marching and stomping. At the end, both flags are lowered and brought to their respective houses for the night.

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