Sunday, January 24, 2010

Asia meets Bavaria

Nicole came over to help me preparing the following menu:

Starter: Wan Tan soup
Main course: Mandarin chicken with rice
Dessert: Bavarian Cream

We started preparing the dessert first as the cream needs to chill for some hours in the freezer. For Bavarian cream you take the content of a vanilla bean and cook it with milk. Then you mix egg yolks with sugar. Put half the milk to it and stir till it is smooth. Mix it with the rest of milk and put it back on the stove at medium heat, it should not get warmer than 85°C or the egg will flocculate. That happened to us on the first try, so we started all over again. In the second run the mix was so hot after the mixing that we did not dare to put it back on the stove. Next step is to pour it through a sieve and add gelatin. Now let it cool over ice water, but before it is firmed you need to stir some whipped cream under the mixture. Then put it in the fridge for several hours.

In the meantime, we took care of the soup and main course which was less difficult. We put the chicken broth on the stove. Cut the chicken breast, Mu-Err mushrooms and spring onion. Mixed it with oil, soy sauce, salt, sugar, pepper and cornstarch. Last night I already got the Wan Tan dough plates out of the freezer, so we now just had to place a teaspoon of the mixture on them. Moisten the edges, fold triangles and press the edges together. Five minutes before serving the soup, we put in the Wan Tans, sliced mushrooms and seasoned the soup with soy sauce. We served the hot soup with some green from the spring onion.

The main course involved some slice and dice: chicken breast, mushrooms, bell peppers, sugar snaps. Marinated the meat in some mandarin juice mixed with soy sauce, oil, cognac, garlic, salt, pepper. Then cook water for the rice and put it in. Fry the meat in a hot pan, then add vegetables and the rest of the marinade and saute them. When the rice was ready, we added it together with the mandarins to the pan and seasoned all with salt, pepper, lemongrass powder and soy sauce. It was delicious.

Also the dessert served with hot raspberries was good, even though some more training would do no harm. So maybe I will try it this week again and then, there will also be pictures for you to see.

For further insight to the recipes have a look on

Next week, we will cook at Nicole's place - Lasagne and maybe some more Italian stuff.


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